I have been completely galvanized by the student loan debt crisis and how it’s dramatically affected people’s lives. As the situation continues to spiral out of control I was sparked into action. So, I decided to write a book as my “answer” to the crisis!
Book Description:
Education should NOT be a DEBT sentence
If you’ve been told, “The only way you can go to college is to take out loans,” you’ve been lied to! With the student loan debt crisis continuing to spiral out of control, this book proves that IT IS POSSIBLE to earn a degree without amassing tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Learn from not only the author’s story of earning two debt-free degrees, but from other individuals who also achieved the same accomplishment – all through a variety of methods.
The book provides relevant information to help potential higher education students graduate debt free by:
- Understanding the real cost of college
- Learning how to find millions in unused scholarship and grant money
- Exploring more cost-efficient means to traditional college
- Saving money while in college – yes, it is possible!
This book serves as the “answer” to the student loan debt crisis and is designed to provide strategies and offer hope to individuals who desire to avoid student loan debt and graduate debt free.
The author has lived on both sides of this crisis as his wife once held $60,000 in student loan debt while he was fortunate to earn two debt-free degrees. This book was created to inspire and encourage you to realize that IT IS POSSIBLE to walk across that stage and be handed a diploma instead of receiving bills in the mail for student loan debt to be repaid. Additionally, it shows you that life can be lived a different way—a way that does not include constantly feeling stress, anxiety, and depression over money.
The student loan debt crisis has gone on long enough! It’s time to radically change the way we view traditional college.
Did You Know? 70% of college students leave college with debt. Become part of the 30%!
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